Twice baked Tuna Jackets with Green Bean Saute
Sorry I have been a bit sparse in posting these past few months.. since Christmas I have been really struggling to live normally, yet alone focus on my blog. Its…
International Jobs - Find a job
Sorry I have been a bit sparse in posting these past few months.. since Christmas I have been really struggling to live normally, yet alone focus on my blog. Its…
Have you heard of Uniform Dating? For those who don’t know they are a dating website and whilst I didn’t meet my B via there, in these modern times I…
This hideously nice but naughty recipe finally gave me a chance to use my long forgotten sugar thermometer. I bought it on the internet, some 5 years or so ago…
This was a proper clear out the cupboards recipe, and I am using it to open up July’s No Waste Food challenge which I am hosting this month, with thanks…
Oh oh oh sweet dreams are made of these.. and who am I to disagree!! Not meeeee! I didn’t find anyone either who disagreed! This is not my own original…
When it comes to aubergines, they are honestly one of my most favourite vegetables and one that seems to have a big divide in opinion after the love/ hate of…
Going back a little while and slightly off tangent but do bear with me here – I decided to look into having my eyesight corrected, and after the initial assessment…
Sometimes I have too much time on my hands. Okay this is rare admittedly but the old brain goes wandering, normally in the middle of doing something else and it…
Now, those who know me on twitter know I had some issues when making these and I apologise if my language went colourful at any point….. Cooked, mashed sweet potato…
Growing up we were spoiled by my lovely, and sorely missed Nanny J’s home made jams and marmalade’s. In fact three years ago today the angels took her under their…