A series of photographs of teenage boys in Des Moines, Iowa, 1945, by LIFE photographer Nina Leen. Is it just me or were they much cuter in the 40s than the 00s? 
On the bus. Source

Reading comic books. Source

At the soda shop. Source

Listening to music. Source

At the movie theatre. Source

Just chillin’. Source

Yes, there’s maps on the ceiling, but there’s also pin-ups by the desk! Source

The very important combed wave. Source

Typical teenage boy fashion, according to the caption. Source

Dressed up for a date. Source

“Loofing around”. Source

Driving badly… Source

Er, playing with guns? Source

I wish this one had a caption. Someone’s older brother wounded in the war, maybe? Source

Drinking coke and eating Cheezits. Source

Checking out the hair and withdrawing the indispensable comb. Source

Bugging the girls, of course. Source

By andrei