Thank you for your interest in internship opportunities at the Executive Office of the President (EOP). The Biden-Harris Administration is pleased to announce that, for the first time in recent history, the EOP is offering paid internship opportunities in many of our offices. 

The following offices will be offering internships in the coming year: The White House Office, the Office of the Vice President, the Council of Economic Advisers, the Council on Environmental Quality, the Office of Administration, the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of the National Cyber Director, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Office of the United States Trade Representative, and more.

Overview of Internships at the EOP

President Biden and Vice President Harris are committed to building an Administration that looks like America, ensuring that qualified individuals from every background and walk of life have an opportunity to serve our country.  This commitment will be reflected in each individual internship class across the EOP.  All who are interested and meet the established criteria are highly encouraged to apply.

In order to participate in an internship program at the EOP, participants must be U.S. citizens and at least 18 years or older before the first day of the program. Additional eligibility requirements will vary by office.

All internships will be hosted in person on the White House campus, located in Washington, D.C. Please note that living accommodations and relocation support will not be provided.

All interns must indicate their COVID-19 vaccination status prior to the start of the program and must adhere to any White House-determined COVID-19 protocols, including but not limited to testing, masking, and/or social distancing.

Applicants who proceed to the final stage of the application will be required to complete the Standard Form (SF) 86 to determine whether they meet security eligibility requirements.  Information requested on the SF 86 that may affect eligibility includes, but is not limited to, an applicant’s connections to foreign governments, criminal history, financial debts and tax compliance, and prior drug use (including marijuana, regardless of whether the marijuana use was permitted under state law).

All internship programs at the EOP support academic credit requests. While we do not arrange academic credit for you, if your academic institution hosts an academic credit program, we can work with you and your institution to accommodate these actions.

All internships at the EOP will pay a stipend of $750 per week for full-time participation (minimum of 35 hours per week) and $375 per week for part-time participation (15 – 34 hours per week). See details below from each office for more information on full-time and part-time opportunities. Please note that participants in any internship program at the EOP are not allowed to receive a separate outside source of funding from a third-party organization in connection with their participation in the program.

White House Internship Program

The White House Internship Program (WHIP) is a public service leadership and development program that provides emerging leaders with an opportunity to gain valuable skills while supporting the work of the White House Office and furthering the priorities of the Biden-Harris Administration.

WHIP is an opportunity for interns to work directly for the White House Office (WHO) and the Office of the Vice President (OVP), two offices, also known as components, within the EOP.

WHO was established by executive order in 1939 to support the President in the execution of official duties. The office includes senior advisors to the President who oversee the development and implementation of the President’s policy priorities, official communications, and legislative agenda, as well as the teams that support the day-to-day operations of the President. WHO also includes the Office of the First Lady.

OVP supports the Vice President’s work as “second in command” of the Executive branch and as President of the Senate. The office focuses on a wide range of domestic, economic, and national security policy issues, and also works with members of the United States Congress to promote the Administration’s legislative priorities on Capitol Hill. Additionally, OVP handles all of the Vice President’s and Second Gentleman’s correspondence, operations, events, scheduling, and travel.

You can learn more about the Program by visiting the Apply to The White House Program page.

Council of Economic Advisers

The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), an agency within the EOP, was established by Congress in 1946 and is charged with providing the President objective economic advice on the formulation of both domestic and international economic policy. The Council bases its recommendations and analysis on economic research and empirical evidence, using the best data available to support the President in setting our nation’s economic policy.

Some of the tasks of CEA include:

  • Assisting the President in preparing the Economic Report, an annual report written by the CEA Chair that provides an overview of the nation’s economic progress;
  • Analyzing information on economic developments and trends;
  • Reviewing federal government policies and programs to ensure they continue to promote sound economic policy; and
  • Recommending economic policies that will benefit American workers.

Check back soon to learn more about internship opportunities with CEA.

Council on Environmental Quality

The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) within the Executive Office of the President coordinates the federal government’s efforts to improve, preserve, and protect America’s public health and environment.

CEQ, which was created in 1969 by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), advises the President and develops policies on climate change, environmental justice, federal sustainability, public lands, oceans, and wildlife conservation, among other areas. As the agency responsible for implementing NEPA, CEQ also works to ensure that environmental reviews for infrastructure projects and federal actions are thorough, efficient, and reflect the input of the public and local communities.

Check back soon to learn more about internship opportunities with CEQ.

Office of Administration

The Office of Administration (OA) provides administrative and business support services to all components within the EOP. These services include financial management, information technology support, human resources management, library and research assistance, facilities management, procurement, design and printing, mail and logistics, personnel and physical security, counterintelligence, emergency preparedness and enterprise communications, legal support services, and more.

Check back soon to learn more about internship opportunities with OA.

Office of National Drug Control Policy

The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) leads and coordinates the nation’s drug policy so that it improves the health and lives of the American people. ONDCP accomplishes this through:

  1. Developing and overseeing implementation of the National Drug Control Strategy. The Strategy uses the latest evidence and research to promote public health and public safety approaches that address substance use disorder, reduce the consequences associated with it, and help Americans recover from substance use disorder.
  2. Developing and overseeing implementation of the National Drug Control Budget. Through the budget, ONDCP aligns the funding resources for sixteen Federal government agencies and departments with the goals of the National Drug Control Strategy.
  3. Administering High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) and Drug-Free Communities (DFC) grant programs.  Through the HIDTA program, ONDCP supports collaborative Federal, State, local, and Tribal law enforcement and public health efforts to address overdoses and disrupt drug trafficking and production.
  4. Through the Drug-Free Communities program, ONDCP supports community-led efforts to reduce youth substance use across the nation.
  5. Coordinating multinational drug interdiction efforts with partner countries, stemming the flow of illicit drugs and drug precursors into the U.S.
  6. Working with interagency, State, local and Tribal partners to develop, assess and implement public health approaches and interventions aimed at preventing, treating and promoting recovery from substance use disorder.

Check back soon to learn more about internship opportunities with ONDCP.

Office of the National Cyber Director

The Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) was established by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, as well as President Joe Biden’s nomination and Senate confirmation of John Christopher Inglis as the first National Cyber Director. The National Cyber Director serves as a principal advisor to the President on cybersecurity policy and strategy, and cybersecurity engagement with industry and international stakeholders.

ONCD is working to ensure every American can share in the full benefits of our digital ecosystem, including the economic prosperity and democratic participation it enables, while aggressively addressing and mitigating the risks and threats at large in cyberspace. By cultivating unity of purpose and efforts across agencies and sectors, ONCD will contribute to the development and implementation of stronger national strategy, policy, and resilience for our digital ecosystem.

Check back soon to learn more about internship opportunities with ONCD.

Office of Management and Budget

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) oversees the implementation of the President’s vision across the Executive Branch. OMB carries out its mission through five main functions across executive departments and agencies:

  1. Budget development and execution;
  2. Management, including oversight of agency performance, procurement, financial management, and information technology;
  3. Coordination and review of all significant Federal regulations from executive agencies, privacy policy, information policy, and review and assessment of information collection requests;
  4. Clearance and coordination of legislative and other materials, including agency testimony, legislative proposals, and other communications with Congress, and coordination of other Presidential actions; and
  5. Clearance of Presidential Executive Orders and memoranda to agency heads prior to their issuance.

Check back soon to learn more about internship opportunities with OMB.

Office of Science & Technology Policy

In 1976, recognizing the need to coordinate the Federal science and technology policy, and provide the President with the best possible guidance on advances in science and technology, Congress established the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). Today, OSTP works to maximize the benefits of science and technology to advance health, prosperity, security, environmental quality, and justice for all Americans. To accomplish this mission, OSTP:

  • provides advice to the President and the Executive Office of the President on all matters related to science and technology;
  • stewards the creation of bold visions, unified strategies, clear plans, wise policies, and effective, equitable programs for science and technology, working with departments and agencies across the Federal government and with Congress;
  • engages with external partners, including industry, academia, philanthropic organizations, and civil society; state, local, Tribal and territorial governments; and other nations; and
  • works to ensure inclusion and integrity in all aspects of science and technology.

Check back soon to learn more about internship opportunities with OSTP.

United States Trade Representative

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) was created in 1962 to advise the President on trade issues, lead international trade negotiations, and oversee the resolution of disputes, enforcement actions and other matters before global trade policy organizations such as the World Trade Organization.

With more than 200 committed public servants, USTR meets with governments, business groups, legislators and the general public to gather input on trade issues and discuss the President’s trade policy positions. With offices in Washington, Geneva, and Brussels, USTR is also part of the Executive Office of the President.


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