Are you a young researcher from the Euro-Mediterranean region?

Are you interested in exploring Euro-Mediterranean relations and the role of Youth as drivers of Cohesion?

The Euromed Young Researchers Forum is part of the Euromed Young Researchers Lab, an initiative of the EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots project, co-funded by the European Union and the European Institute of the Mediterranean. The Euromed Young Researchers Lab aims to boost the research capacities of young experts across the Mediterranean, give visibility and recognition to their work, strengthen exchanges and stimulate research on issues of common interest.


During this year’s Forum, 24 participants from across the Mediterranean and its neighbouring regions will meet in Mollina, Spain, to exchange with policy-makers, practitioners and other young experts on key issues in the Euro-Mediterranean area and contribute to policy shaping in the region.

This year´s edition of the Forum will be about:

Bridging the Gap in Euro-Mediterranean relations: Youth as drivers of Cohesion

Participants will:

• Present their research proposals on how young people have perceived the war in Ukraine on both shores of the Mediterranean as well as the responses to the war; analyze misconceptions, the actors and platforms involved in spreading disinformation campaigns; and the existing policy frameworks and tools in place to combat disinformation and its potential impacts, amongst others.

• Benefit from capacity building sessions to improve their research and communications skills.

• Access remunerated publishing opportunities: authors of selected Concept Notes will be asked to convert their proposals into Policy Briefs

Where and when? The Forum will take place in Mollina (Málaga), Spain in September 16-17, 2022.

Deadline to apply: 30 June 2022, 23:59hrs CET


For more information please open this link
Apply Here

Call for Participants – V Euromed Young Researchers Forum