EAN Autumn School in Loutraki, Greece

October 20-24, 2022

Dedicated to clinical neurologists in training who did not yet complete their residency/ clinical speciality training. Experienced neurologists and sub-specialists will illustrate how they approach specific clinical presentations and symptoms, including an update on relevant diagnostic and treatment approaches for key conditions in the relevant areas. Local speakers will try to bring a patient in order to demonstrate symptoms in real-life case scenarios.

Organisers: EAN Teaching Course sub-Committee
EAN Office: Magda Dohnalova, Helene Winklmayr, Julia Mayer



Wyndham Loutraki Poseidon
Loutraki 203 00, Griechenland
(1,5h from Athens airport)

ARRIVAL: Thursday, October 20, 2022

SCHOOL: Thursday-Sunday: The lectures are scheduled for the four consecutive days. Participation in the entire event is expected.

DEPARTURE: Monday, October 24, 2022

CAPACITY: Up to 60 participants (20 per afternoon course to guarantee hands-on)

Accommodation, tuition, board and programme are covered by EAN.
Participants pay only for their travel.
Participation for the entire course is mandatory.

  • RRFS members from EAN member countries with more than 2 years of clinical training
  • RRFS members from Corresponding Institutional Member Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauretania, Morocco, Nepal, Palestine, Tunisia, Syria) and HINARI Group A countries are welcome to apply
  • Full members from EAN member countries within 5 years after completion of neurology training
  • Application for a travel grant is possible for members of low and lower-middle income countries. A short letter of intent, why the person wants to participate including why the travel grant is needed.
  • Previous awardees cannot apply again


All applicants must be Full member or RRFS member from EAN member countries at time of application. 


All application forms and procedures will be online by March 1, 2022

ATTENTION: new application Deadline: June 1, 2022

All application documents must be submitted via the online application.
For questions contact: grants(at)ean.org 

Preliminary programme

Overarching theme: “Acute neurology”

Day 1: COVID-19 signs and symptoms
Day 2: Acute limb weakness
Day 3: Acute higher cortical function problems