2022 SDG Pioneers

The Sustainable Development Goals lay out a clear vision for a sustainable future, representing an opportunity to shape a new era for responsible business. Each year the United Nations Global Compact celebrates a group of SDG Pioneers — business leaders who are doing an exceptional job to advance the Global Goals through the implementation of our Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. In our search for the 2022 cohort of SDG Pioneers, we encourage professionals working at any level of a UN Global Compact participating company who are leveraging a principles-based approach to set ambitious, scalable and impactful SDG targets to apply.

National Rounds SDG Pioneers submission is now open 

As part of the UN Global Compact SDG Pioneers programme, Global Compact Local Networks spanning all continents launched a national search for professionals who are committed to achieving the Global Goals.

Interested candidates from companies headquartered in any of the countries listed below must submit their applications through the respective Local Network. 

Croatia DRC Georgia
Ukraine Brazil Lebanon
China India Bangladesh
Italy Turkey Belarus
Canada USA Kenya
Netherlands South Africa UK
Uruguay Bulgaria

Questions? For companies participating in the Local Round from the countries listed above, please address questions regarding national-level SDG Pioneer selections including on the local application deadline directly to the relevant Local Networks. Additional information is available in the Frequently Asked Questions here.

Global Rounds SDG Pioneers submission is now open

Selected national-level Pioneers will be locally recognized and advance directly to the global round which has opened on 14 January 2022. Only company representatives from countries not listed above can apply through the Global Round by 15 March 2022.

Employees of companies participating in the UN Global Compact are welcome to submit their own stories describing their contributions towards sustainable development or nominate a colleague for consideration in the SDG Pioneers programme.

The 2022 UN Global Compact SDG Pioneers will be announced and celebrated in June 2022 at the Leaders Summit in New York.

Questions? See our Frequently Asked Questions or contact sdgpioneers@unglobalcompact.org.

For more information please open this link
Apply Here
