OECD Youthwise

Call for applications now open

The OECD’s Youth Advisory Board is made up of exceptional young people aged 18‒30 who bring their perspectives and ideas to the OECD.

Following the success of our first Youthwise class, we are excited to be launching Youthwise 2022!

The consequences of COVID-19 have accelerated pre-existing issues for young people and it will take a joint effort across sectors, stakeholders and generations to solve them. In line with the OECD’s policy priorities, Youthwise members will focus on how we can build an inclusive and green future for & with young people.

“Young people are a bridge between generations;

they need to be part of the decision-making process

and not just review it after it is done“

– Idalia, 2021 Youthwise member

Youthwise activities

The Youthwise delegates will:

  • bring your generation’s perspectives, insights, and ideas to the OECD
  • participate in closed-door meetings and consultations, engaging with a range of topics, themes, and people from the OECD, having direct input into OECD work
  • be able to speak on panels and participate in webinars, providing interventions on behalf of Youthwise
  • create and (co-)author documents, articles, and videos to share Youthwise views
  • join interactive workshops with other youth boards such as the Y20, meeting youth leaders from around the world
  • network, gaining a better understanding of how international policy-making functions

Selection criteria

Applicants must be:

  • between 18 and 30 years of age as of 1 January 2022
  • a national of an OECD member country (more detail in the brochure)
  • fluent in English (more detail in the brochure)
  • highly interested in national and international debates on how to build a green and inclusive future
  • able to dedicate up to 8 hours per month to Youthwise-related activities (including preparatory reading, group work, meetings, interventions on panels, etc.)
  • available to participate in the Youthwise programme from March 2022 until December 2022
  • able to access a stable internet connection to receive and reply to e-mails, to participate in online meetings, webinars, etc.
  • neither currently affiliated with the OECD, nor have a relative who is currently affiliated with the OECD

Sound like you? Apply till 31 January 2022 at midnight (Paris time) …

and answer, by video or text, the question: What do you think should be the top priority for governments to ensure an inclusive and green future for young people?

Jury and terms of appointment

  • An inter-generational OECD jury will review applications, aiming to create a diverse, representative group of young people.
  • Successful applicants will be announced at the beginning of March 2022. Due to the volume of applications received, only successful applicants will be contacted.
  • The standard term of appointment will be from March 2022 until December 2022.
  • Currently, given the COVID-19 public health situation, all Youthwise activities will be online.
  • Youthwise members will not be remunerated for their participation.
For more information please open this link
Apply Here