Nomination Form

Please carefully read the below criteria and instructions related to the nominations process.
Each year, the Nansen Refugee Award recognizes an individual, group or organization who have shown outstanding dedication and service to people forced to flee their homes. Four regional winners are also chosen from each global region.

When reviewing nominations, the following criteria is considered:

Candidates may be individuals, groups or organizations. Every Nansen Refugee Award laureate and regional winners spend an extraordinary amount of time and effort to help the forcibly displaced:

· The nominee’s work goes beyond the call of duty and outside of normal activities;

· The nominee’s work demonstrates courage – they might at times face personal risk for his/her/their work;

· The nominee’s work has a direct positive impact on the lives of forcibly displaced or stateless people;

· The work is connected to a major displacement issue or situation.

Anyone may submit a candidate for the Nansen Refugee Award. We welcome the nomination of any deserving individual, group or organization. Finalists from previous year are still eligible.

Please note self-nominations are strongly discouraged.

Current or former UNHCR employees are ineligible.

Three references must be provided. References should be diversely selected (not all from the same organisation or group). The nomination will be ineligible without three referees.
Selection process
The Nansen Refugee Award Selection Committee is an independent body which selects the annual laureate and four regional winners.
Please note that the selection process remains strictly confidential, and no information regarding the status of your nomination will be released.
The 2022 laureate and regional winners will be announced in September 2022.

Nomination submission and deadline
The deadline to submit nominations is midnight CET, 20 February 2022. The strongest nominations will have detailed accounts of the candidate’s work and impact on people of concerns, as well as  strong references to back up the submission.

For any questions, please contact the Nansen Refugee Award Secretariat at

Please note that nominations received after midnight on 20 February 2022 will not be considered.

For more information please open this link
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