Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Program

1. What is the Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP)

ADB-JSP, financed by the Government of Japan and organized by the Asian Development Bank, aims to provide an opportunity citizens of ADB’s developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies. The Division of Environmental Studies which is consisted of six departments, and the Graduate Program in Sustainability Science at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) have been designated by ADB to receive allocation with the ADB-JSP scholarship since 2000. The following departments are accepting ADB-JSP students.

1) Department of Natural Environmental Studies

2) Department of Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment

3) Department of Environment Systems

4) Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies

5) Department of Socio-cultural Environmental Studies

You will be conferred a Master of Environmental Studies if you finish a master course at any of the above mentioned departments.

6) Department of International Studies

You will be conferred a Master of International Studies if you finish a master course at the Department of International Studies.

7) Graduate Program in Sustainability Science

You will be conferred a Master of Sustainability Science if you finish a master course at the Graduate Program in Sustainability Science

2. Eligibility

2-1 Designated eligibility by ADB-JSP
If you are interested in ADB-JSP, please check your eligibility first at the ADB-JSP website.

2-2 Designated eligibility by GSFS
Applicants for a master course must hold a bachelor degree from an accredited educational institution comparable to a bachelor degree offered at the University of Tokyo.
Note that ADB-JSP provides their scholarships only for students pursuing a master’s degree.

3. Application procedures

Step 1: Search for a supervisor
* To search faculty members, use the link in the application form.
Step 2: Send a complete set of application materials described below (December)
Step 3: University verifies qualifications of applicants (December to February)
Step 4: Only successful candidates may apply for an ADB scholarship through GSFS (March)
Step 5: Enroll in October and start their degree course in English.

4. Application materials

Every June, the application forms are to be updated for the October enrollment of the following year.

A) Application form
B) Official academic transcript or attested photocopy from the institute you previously attended
C) Official certificate of graduation or attested photocopy from the institute you previously attended
D) Two confidential letters of recommendation

Please prepare all the documents in English.

Where to send:

International Liaison Office
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences,
the University of Tokyo

Room 120, Building of Environmental Studies
5-1-5 Kashiwa no ha, Kashiwa
Chiba 277-8563
Phone: +81 4 7136 4558
E-mail: ilo [at] (replace [at] with ‘@’)

Method of Submission:

※The method of receiving application materials for the enrollment of 2022 has been changed as follows in light of the latest global postal service.

1) Submit a complete set of application materials by email by December 10, 2021. The title of the email should be “ADB Application_Name (applicant’s name)”.

2) Letters of recommendations can be sent directly from the recommenders by emails. The title of the email should be “ADB Recommendation Letter_Name (applicant’s name)”.
The letters of recommendations sent directly from the recommenders will be treated as the original documents, so there will be no need to send them by postal mail.

3) The original hard copy of the application materials also must be submitted no later than January 7, 2022. Please check and notify the International Liaison Office of the expected arrival date when you send the document.

If the original copies do not reach the International Liaison Office of GSFS by January 7, 2022, the application will be deemed invalid and will not be assessed.

If you can arrange all the original/physical application materials to arrive at the International Liaison Office of GSFS by December 10, 2021, you don’t need to email your documents.

5. FAQs

I am over 35 years old. Has your institution been designated by ADB to accept seniors who are over 35 years old?
No. GSFS is not allowed to recommend any candidates who are over 35 years old to ADB.
I would like to enroll in a doctoral course. May I apply for ADB-JSP?
No. ADB-JSP has decided not to provide their scholarships to doctoral course students. If you would like to pursue a Ph. D. degree, we recommend you apply for a MEXT scholarship of Embassy Recommendation. The first contact is the Japanese Embassy in your country.
Does the ADB-JSP also cover my dependents?
No. The ADB-JSP scholarship covers the scholar only.
Should I contact ADB-JSP directly and send a set of application forms?
No. ADB-JSP accepts applications from the designated institutions only.
I worked as a research assistant and get paid by my professor while studying my undergraduate course. Can I include it as an “Professional experience” required by ADB-JSP?
No. Professional experience must be what you did after you graduated from the undergraduate program. And the work you did must be related to the field you studied in your undergraduate program.
What are the lectures that are taught in English?
Lectures that GSFS offer in English can be referred to at the following link.
Departments sometimes allow you to take courses outside your department program that may be applied as a part of the required units to satisfy the graduation requirements of your program. Please refer to “COURSE REGISTRATION AND OTHER PROCEDURES” on the above link.
Do I have to obtain an agreement about my application from a GSFS professor prior to my application?
No, but we strongly suggest you contact the GSFS researcher whom you would like to be supervised under to discuss your research plan and obtain an official agreement for application. Choosing a supervisor is very important because writing a master’s thesis is mandatory to complete your master’s program.


For more information please open this link
Apply Here

Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Program