
Deadline: 1 January 2020
Open to: artists, writers, architects, curators and researchers who are currently citizens and/or permanent residents of the MEASA* region (Middle East, Africa, and South Asia)
Benefits: fully funded attendance

The Alserkal Residency Summer programme will run from 1 June 2020 – 1 August 2020. Proposals are reviewed competitively by our Selection Committee.

The Alserkal Residency Summer Cycle is open to artists, writers, architects, curators and researchers who are currently citizens and/or permanent residents of the MEASA* region (Middle East, Africa, and South Asia).

*Middle East candidates must be citizens and/or permanent residents of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey.
Africa candidates must be citizens and/or permanent residents of the countries of the continent of Africa.
South Asia candidates must be citizens and/or permanent residents of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and/or Sri Lanka.

Residency resources include: 

Return flights from the resident’s home city to Dubai
Single-room accommodation, in a shared space with up to three other residents
Monthly living stipend
Research stipend
Programming stipend
24-hour access to an individual studio at Alserkal Residency
Support from Alserkal Residency team
Introductions and critiques with international and local art professionals, who ALSERKAL RESIDENCY OPEN CALL: SUMMER CYCLE 2020 ALSERKAL RESIDENCY OPEN CALL: SUMMER CYCLE 2020

By andrei