Deadline:  31 January 2019
Open to: Applicants must meet the minimum degree requirements described here
Grant: Grants cover living costs and tuition fees for applicants from EU member states. Special grants are also provided to candidates from non-EU member states


European University Institute (EUI) is pleased to offer 150 Fully Funded PhD scholarships for international students for the academic year 2019-2020. The EUI offers four-year Ph.D. programmes in four departments: Economics, History and Civilization, Law, and Political and Social Sciences. It also offers an LL.M. programme in Law.

The European University Institute (EUI) is a unique international centre for a doctorate and post-doctorate studies and research, situated in the Tuscan hills overlooking Florence.

The expected level of English proficiency is level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Applicants are required to submit an English international language certificate to demonstrate their level.


You must meet the minimum degree requirements set by the relevant grant authority for admission to the EUI Ph.D. Programme.  As a general rule, you should fulfill the minimum degree requirements by 31 August, but please note that this is not valid for candidates applying for some national grants whose eligibility requirements include conditions regarding the degree and its time of award.

  • Austria: Completion of university studies (Magister/Master’s degree)
  • Belgium (Flanders): Master degree – Belgium (Wallonie-Bruxelles): Master degree of at least 120 credits
  • Bulgaria: Master’s degree diploma with a Grade Point Average of minimum “Very good 5” or the respective equivalent from the evaluation system in the country, where the degree is obtained
  • Cyprus: Bachelor’s degree (ptychio)
  • Denmark: Kandidateksamen
  • Finland: Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto/högre högskoleexamen, equivalent foreign degree
  • France: DEA (or Master) or equivalent to bac + 5
  • Estonia: Master’s degree
  • Germany: Completion of university studies and the qualifications required to study for a doctorate
  • Greece: Higher education degree (ISCED 6), and master’s degree or equivalent (ISCED 7)
  • Italy: Laurea (vecchio ordinamento); laurea specialistica / laurea magistrale (nuovo ordinamento) or equivalent
  • Latvia: Magistra grads vai

150 Fully Funded PhD Degree #Scholarships at the #European #University Institute, #Italy, 2019-2020 150 Fully Funded PhD Degree #Scholarships at the #European #University Institute, #Italy, 2019-2020

By andrei