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Deadline:  28 June 2018 at 23:59, (Baku City local time)
Open to: participants from Azerbaijan
Venue: 30 June – 15 July 2018 (Length: 3 weeks, (Only weekends) ), in Baku, Azerbaijan
Between the dates of 30 June 2018  and 15 July 2018 in Honours Academy is planning to hold “Summer School of Finance, 2018” for citizens of Azerbaijan who study in Azerbaijan and different parts of the world in the field of finance, economy,  entrepreneurship, business strategy. This program is also for finance professionals who wish to update their knowledge of finance in order to grow their career. The courses will be delivered in English and Azerbaijani.
Program Structure
“Summer School of Finance, 2018”  consists of 18 to 24 hours of material delivered over 6 lessons period with a standard program structure. You will complete one module per one day, and each module concludes with a quiz. A capstone assignment is due with completion of the final module.
DAY 1: Fundamental financial concepts
  • Arbitrage
  • Debt
  • Hedging
  • Effective interest rate
  • Nominal interest rate
  • Inflation
  • Dividend
DAY 2: Time value of money
  • Present value
  • Future value
  • Discounting
  • Net present value
  • Internal rate of return
  • Annuity
  • Perpetuity
DAY 3: Equity market
  • Stock market
  • Common stock
  • Preferred stock
  • Treasury stock
  • Equity investment

Call for Applications, #Summer #School of #Finance, 2018