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Deadline: 10 June 2018
Open to: participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia
Venue: 11-15 July 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia


CDN is announcing a call for participants of the second Balkan Regional Training of the Annual Work Plan “Urban Steps for Resilient Future – Building Youth Activism in Eastern Europe”. The regional training will take place between 11-15 July in Belgrade, Serbia and will gather participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia.
The training is a part of our annual work plan and is going to (1) enable young people to analyze their cities (think global) and (2) equip them with capabilities to conduct local activities on the spot with the goal to improve their communities (act local).


  • CDN is looking for young people from the above-mentioned countries interested in topic regardless of their previous experience;
  • Both urban activists and people who are new to this topic but keen on learning more and acting on the local level (phase 3 of the annual work plan) are encouraged to apply;
  • The team will select participants respecting the criteria of gender and geographical balance, and take into consideration the diversity of participants’ backgrounds regarding the event’s topic;
  • CDN is encouraging applications reflecting diversity in all forms, especially gender and sexual identity;
  • The working language of the training will be SCBM.


  • Accommodation, food, working space, travel and visa costs for participants will be fully covered;
  • For a selection of travel means the condition is to combine the most economical and environmentally friendly way (lowest price + travel time + CO2 emissions);
  • Participants are expected to be fully present and participating the