Apply online through the given link.
Application Deadline: June 20, 2018
Eligible Regions: Open for All.
TESLA Award (Transdisciplinary Experimental Slovenian Art Award) is a new competition focusing on new and progressive art forms in the field of transdisciplinary or intermedia art. Its mission is to provide optimal conditions for selected artists to research, produce and present an entirely new artwork under the mentorship of MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art and each year’s partners. The aim of the award is to improve the conditions of artistic production in the field of transdisciplinary / intermedia art, in response to the growing interest in research-based practices in Slovenia and broader Eastern European region.



  • Winning proposals will be awarded with a 4.000,00 € production grant.
  • The works will be premiered at the opening of Artbat Fest on 24 August 2018.


  • This call is open to individuals or groups working across any artforms and/or technologies.
  • They especially welcome proposals for new works. Yet, they will be happy to help in the extension of existing projects if our contribution will be key to develop them towards a new direction or critically enhance them so they will achieve a new dimension.
  • They are especially aiming to support creators from Slovenia, the Balkans, Russia and Central Asia.

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By andrei