Hey everyone, sorry for not having been able to update this blog in a few days, posts usually take much longer than my other blogs to create, and I have had a lot of schoolwork to deal with.

Anyways, I will create new awesome original content in the near future, however for now, please enjoy some of these interesting stock market facts and statistics!

29 Very Interesting Stock Market Facts and Statistics!

I added some pictures as well to dist- I mean keep you interested, please check out my new blog, if you haven’t already!

Author: Matthew Merriman

October 2008 has raised interest in the stock market due to widespread news coverage on the banks closing and therefore stocks falling. So to supplement your interest here are 28 very interesting stock market statistics for you!

$36.6 trillion – the estimated size of the world stock market at the beginning of October 2008.

22.6% – the biggest fall of the Dow Jones in 1 day! (1987)

15.34% – the biggest gain of the Dow Jones in 1 day! (1933)

30% drop in the market – Would mean the NYSE would close trading there and then for the day.

80% – the amount of capitalisation represented by the FTSE 100 on the whole London Stock Exchange.

400-1 – The leverage given to you by some FOREX companies!

$2000 – the initial deposit you must legally have in the US to open a margin account.

£0 – the amount of tax you have to pay on a spread betting account in the UK as its classed as gambling.

86.3% – the amount of FOREX traders that trade the USD

500% – The amount the stock market grew between 1982 and 1993 in terms of capitalisation.

1602 – the year the first shares were issued on the Amsterdam stock exchange

$11 million – the amount a company must have earned over the last 3 years to gain a listing on the NASDAQ stock exchange

83% – The percentage of wealth given away by famous investor Warren Buffet to the Bill % Melinda Gates charitable foundation

$26 trillion – The current value of mutual funds

1790 – The date of the oldest stock exchange in the US opened (Philadelphia)

143,646,198 – The volume of the most traded ETF on the US markets, SPY.

0.5% – The agreed worldwide interest rate drop in October 2008 to counteract the huge drops in shares.

GRRR – The symbol of Lion Country Safari (ok not technically a stat but worth knowing!)

24.39% – The amount lost on the Dow Jones index due the effects of World War I.

£9,600 – The amount you can earn (UK) before paying capital gains tax of 18% on stocks, better than the £5,600 income tax allowance!

0 – The amount of capital gains tax paid in Mexico, Malaysia and Barbados to name a few.

50% – A rough estimate of the rise in the share price of Apple in the aftermath of the iPhone.

1984 – The year the FTSE 100 index was introduced with a staring value of 1000.00 (6950.60, the highest value reached to date, 1999)

1 – The position of Royal Dutch Shell as the most capitalised share in the UK (Oil company, 31 Dec 2007)

1993 – The year the first ETF was introduced tracking the S&P 500

89% – The amount wiped off stocks between 1929-1932, during the great depression.

2 – The position of the Tokyo stock exchange in terms of most capitalised stock exchanges.

2008 – The year oil reached $100 a barrel

14.68% – The drop in the Dow Jones in the first half of 2008.

I hope these stock market statistics have quenched your stock market interest for now, good luck with the trading guys! Don’t forget to check out my website for more information on the stock market!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/finance-articles/29-very-interesting-stock-market-facts-and-statistics-643206.html

By andrei