Month: November 2017

The Forgotten Anchor

November marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  To  a lesser degree, it is also remembered as (perhaps) the finest hour in the history of broadcast television,…

Huckabee Bows Out

Mike Huckabee’s syndicated radio talk show went out with a whimper last week.  The former Arkansas governor announced earlier this year that he would end his daily talk program at the…

Today's Reading Assignment

…from George Leef, writing at “More College Does Not Beget More Economic Prosperity”  As Mr. Leef reminds us, the national obsession with sending millions of young people to the academy has resulted…

Flying Towards a Waterfall

While there has been much coverage–and debate–regarding sequestration’s impact on the U.S. military, there is another crisis that has received far less attention, yet the long-term consequences are equally serious. …

The War at 50

Tom Fletcher speaks with President Johnson on his front porch in Martin County, Kentucky in 1964.  LBJ used the visit to launch his “War on Poverty.”  (Louisville Courier-Journal) Fifty years…


Amid the hubub over former SecDef Robert Gates’s new memoir–and disclosures that Hillary and Barack Obama staked out national security positions based purely on political concerns–comes this rather surprising announcement from the Pentagon::…

Mishap Deja Vu?

An Air Force MC-12 surveillance aircraft, like the one that crashed today in Afghanistan.  Previous crashes and near-catastrophic stall incidents involving the MC-12 have been blamed on limited crew training.  Most…

The Homeless Colonel

Something about this story doesn’t add up.  As you probably know, veterans make up a disproportionate share of the nation’s homeless.  In fact, the Veteran’s Administration launched an emergency effort…