Tidal Wave
B-24s over Ploesti on 1 August 1943. The raid on Axis oil facilities in Romania resulted in heavy lossess of planes and crews, but paved the way for later, successful…
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B-24s over Ploesti on 1 August 1943. The raid on Axis oil facilities in Romania resulted in heavy lossess of planes and crews, but paved the way for later, successful…
Today’s essential reading from Thomas Donnelly, writing at The Wall Street Journal. A few excerpts: “…Begin with suicides by servicemen and women, which have increased in recent years—but by dozens of…
It was powerful symbol of a sudden shift in the balance-of-power in the Middle East. The “symbol” (in this case) was an Air Force C-17 transport, lifting off from an…
As of this writing, four U.S. Navy destroyers are on station in the eastern Mediterranean, postioned (ostensibly) for a strike against Syria and its chemical weapons facilities. The move came…
After years of fits and starts, military courts have finally imposed justice on Private Bradley Manning and Major Nidal Hassan. Manning, the former intelligence analyst, was found guilty earlier this week of…
Today’s reading assignment is from Matt Labash of The Weekly Standard, and his piece on “Bugles Across America,” a volunteer organization that performs “Taps” at the funerals of military retirees and…
It’s often been said that a military plan never survives the first contact with the enemy. By any reasonable estimate, we’re still several days away from a first strike against…
How does a foreign policy crisis move from mere debacle to absolute disaster in the matter of a few hours? Just ask Team Obama. Over a 12-hour span on Monday,…
Los Angeles car dealer Cal Worthington, in one of his famous TV commercials (Worthington collection via The New York Times) Cal Worthington died Sunday at the age of 92. If…
In the wake of Monday’s mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has, predictably, ordered an inquiry into security practices at the nation’s military installations. According…