Since, the specs are so hard to come by, I’ve made a list of the following information:
1. As mentionned in the last article, J-10’s radar has a 150 km detection range
2. I read that when China was trailing Irbis, it found the detection range vs 0.1 m^2 targets to be around 100 km. The same source went on to say that J-11B’s radar performance (the one in service) is comparable to this.
3. JF-17’s radar had a baseline requirement of 75 km detection range in front hemisphere and 45 km in the rear hemisphere. (and the export version to PAF has supposedly exceeded that). The actual performance is still under trial.
4. JH-7A was said to be able to detect bridge on yellow river from 370 km away.
Now, if we use the above source. We get the following:
1. 150 km vs 3m^2 targets is equivalent to around 170 km vs 5m^2 using the quadric root formula.
2. J-11B’s antenna should be around 1/3 greater than that of J-10 (96-100 cm vs 70-74 cm). Using that and assuming similar generation of radar (in terms of software + hardware), then you are looking at around 230 km vs 5m^2 targets. If we work on the basis that J-11B is newer -> slightly better than J-10’s radar, then maybe that range increases to 240-250 km?
3. 100 km vs 0.1m^2 target is around 265 km vs 5m^2 targets. That seems to be comparable to J-11B’s radar.
4. The export radar with JF-17 was supposedly developed by 607th institute (below 14th and 38th institute in the pecking order) and also not exactly their top of the line stuff. So it’s quite possible that the exported radar for JF-17 is better than the 75 km vs 3m^2, but less than the 130 km that it should be if using the same family of radar as J-10 (the 149x series)
5. That report on JH-7A could very well be true if one looks at the performance of Zhuk-MSE.
I will get to more, we’ve seen a lot of new pictures coming out recently. If you have the time, I’d really suggest the readers to check the following:
1. Pictures of the new medical ship + intelligence ship they are building, especially the latter (991) which is a SWATH design (never before seen with PLA). Also, the medical ship appears to be much larger than previous Chinese medical ships.
2. Google Earth photo of 071 sort of shows that it is larger than what a lot of people originally thought, probably looking at over 20,000 tonne in displacement, comparable to the San Antonio class in size.
3. Crobato’s comparison of different classes of Song. He really did a good job noticing all the small changes in the different variants.
4. Photos of the interior of 168 while visiting UK. A lot of nice photos that we’ve never seen before.
I hope to post some more photos, but this is all my time will allow for at the moment