Have you ever dreamed about what it would be like to immerse yourself within a gooey spicy vat of melty cheese? No, nor me either but after making this bake it honestly doesn’t seem like a bad option in the middle of winter and all its snowy grey and drizzle ridden dreariness! I know I will melt come summer and its humid fly filled evenings but I hate being cold, my body hates being cold so it really cannot come around soon enough! Cold is bad unless it involves ice cream and lots of it!
As much as my stretchy work trousers are suddenly feeling much more snug than I would like, winter is simply not made for salad and when the evenings are lighter, evening walks will re-commence and hopefully those trousers will become slightly less snug! Sometimes you just need a comforting, warming dish that gives you a well needed hug, and my Cheesy Chorizo Gnocchi Bake gives you a lovely sleep inducing cuddling up on the sofa with your loved one kinda hug.
When planning our meals they are a mixture of tried and trusted, random things I snag online or in my overflowing collection of torn out recipes and the rest I imagine ingredients I would like to eat but this dish came to me in a dream. I have only ever baked gnocchi once in a rather nice prawn dish but some reason its not an ingredient I really think of and when I was recently carrying out the reverse dad taxi role, and taking my dad shopping following some surgery I spotted a packet of Gnocchi. Then the image in my dream formed and this dish was born a few nights later! I did once attempt to make my own but its better to just buy them unless you are gnocchi master perhaps.
Serves 3-4 with a side
125g mozzarella, torn into chunks
500g prepared gnocchi, boiled and drained.
120g spicy chorizo, sliced into thin half moons
400g tin cherry tomatoes
2 heaped tbsp grated cheddar
1 onion, finely chopped
75ml milk
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 sprigs fresh rosemary, finely chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
In a large sauté pan, heat the oil and gently fry the onion for 3 minutes, or until starting to become translucent, add the garlic and chorizo and fry for a further 3 minutes, or until the chorizo has released its fragrant oils and has lightly browned. Stir through the tomatoes, rosemary and add the milk, gently simmer, covered for ten minutes.
Pre-heat oven to 200o
Stir the prepared gnocchi into the sauce, being careful not to break the tomatoes, and transfer into a small baking dish – I used my pie dish which is multi versatile! 
Sprinkle over the grated cheddar, transfer to the oven and bake for 40 minutes or until all lovely, golden and bubbling.

Serve hot with buttered greens:


As delicious as the bake was I would suggest its eaten all in one sitting – we kept some back for lunches…but the gnocchi kinda soak up the sauce and its edible but not quite as good the next day…

By andrei