Are you an ambitious and innovative leader who wants to learn how to bridge the gap between desire and action on sustainability? Then join the Swedish Institute Management Programme 2022.


In a world facing urgent and significant human, social and environmental challenges, we know that there are many people who want to contribute to positive fundamental change. 

Being part of the ‘sustainability transformation’ is one way that individuals can make a real difference – for businesses, communities and for the planet. We invite ambitious and innovative leaders who want to learn how to bridge the gap between desire and action on sustainability to join us as part of the Swedish Institute Management Programme 2022, and work in collaboration with like-minded people in their region, to help tackle these challenges, and lead their businesses to success through sustainable business practices. Because the speed and scale of change that the world desperately needs cannot be achieved in isolation. 

Recognising the significance of this global challenge, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been set up to define global priorities and aspirations before the year 2030. The business community plays a critical role in the implementation of the SDGs and in creating a better future for all. 

At the Swedish Institute, we have created unique leadership development programme which brings together people from different countries in Asia in an enhanced collaborative environment, where they can co-create solutions between business and other sector organisations in your country which have a genuine chance of success. 

The Swedish Institute Management Programme (SIMP) offers you proven tools and knowledge from experts who can help you to put sustainability at the heart of your strategy and take your leadership to the next level. The programme is based on Sweden’s prominent position in innovation and sustainable business – and its connection to the global economy.  

A core outcome of the programme is for every participant to develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy that should be an integral part of your overall business strategy.  

The programme runs online between April – December 2022 with a follow–up activity in February 2023. It contains coaching, interactive workshops and lectures, as well as meetings with representatives from companies and organisations in Sweden. SIMP is a challenging and interactive programme that demands your active participation and contribution. It is not a series of one-way communicated lectures.   

The Swedish Institute covers the cost of training and content for those admitted to the programme. 

What will the programme give you?

  • In-depth knowledge and skills about sustainable business practices. 
  • Capacity and knowledge to lead change and promote sustainable business practices in your own organisation. 
  • Insight into the potential of disruptive technology and innovative design to drive business sustainability. 
  • Customised expert coaching based on your organisation’s and your own personal needs. 
  • Access to relevant experts from the public and private sector in your region and in Sweden to exchange views, knowledge and experiences.  
  • A unique opportunity of close collaboration and exchange with colleagues at your own level from several other countries, developing strong, long-lasting professional networks.  
  • Access to the global Swedish Institute alumni network with leaders who are committed to sustainable business and responsible leadership.

Who can apply? 

If you are highly motivated to run your business in a sustainable way and promote sustainable business practices in your country; and you also  have the mandate to drive the implementation of the sustainability strategy throughout your business – then the answer is you!

  • You must be a citizen and resident of China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam.
  • Your organisation or business should be locally owned and based in China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam.
  • You have an entrepreneurial mindset and a track record of making things happen.
  • You are willing to support and share your experience and knowledge with other participants.
  • You have a high level proficiency in both written and spoken English.
  • You have a post-secondaryeducation.

We are looking for business leaders who are already CEO’s or senior managers of small or medium–sized enterprises, or managers of a significant and distinct department of a large enterprise, who have responsibility for the profits of their business.

Around 30–40 participants will be selected to the programme and people of any age are welcome to apply.

Does this sound like you?  If so, you can Apply NOW! Or read on for more details on the programme below.

Programme timeline

All phases of the programme are designed for active participation and capacity building: with interactive lectures, group exercises for deepening and applying acquired knowledge, and practical applications. The programme consists of three phases. Phase one is open for all selected participants. To qualify for participation in phase two and three, you need to fulfil some criteria (e.g., active participation and completion of tasks) and be highly motivated to work with sustainable transformation in your business. 

Phase one: Introduction and mapping

Introductory Session
(April 2022)

Online training
(April – June 2022)
The training is set up with a highly practical approach that allows you to apply learnings and insights directly to your business. You are introduced to topics such as responsible leadership, climate change, human rights, anti-corruption, fair working conditions, sustainability strategies, systems thinking, innovation design, and online collaboration. Be prepared to spend around 4-5 hours per week on live sessions, reading material and pre-recordings. Additionally, you will meet twice in small group sessions.

First steps of developing your sustainability strategy
(June – August 2022)
You take the first steps of developing your sustainability strategy. These steps are based on data you collect from your clients/, staff and other stakeholders. You will apply innovative practices that you have learned during the programme. You work with your core business and invest the time needed to succeed.

Group Coaching and Reflection Groups
(June – September 2022)
You will participate in group coaching sessions. This is a unique opportunity to receive expert coaching customised after your needs. Additionally, you will meet in peer reflection groups. 

Admission to Phase Two
(August 2022)
Assessing motivation and criteria to continue the programme.

Two participants speaking to some one outside of the photo. They are happy.

Phase two: Development

Online training
(August – September 2022)
You will take part in in-depth workshops with experts within Sustainability, Leadership and Strategy Development to further incorporate the learnings into your Sustainability Strategy. Be prepared to spend around4-5 hours per week on the training.

Further Development of Your Strategy
(September – October 2022)
Further development of your strategy, receiving feedback and applying learnings to your business/organisation. You work with your core business and invest the time needed to succeed. 

Coaching and reflection groups
(1 September 2022 – December 2022)
You will participate in individual and group coaching sessions. This is a unique opportunity to receive expert coaching customised after your needsAdditionally, you will meet in peer reflection groups. Key individuals from your company/organisation may also participate in small coaching groups for buy-in and effective implementation of the strategy.

Phase three:

Applying strategy and learnings
(October – December 2022)
Implementing your strategy, receiving feedback and applying learnings in your respective organisation. You work with your core business and invest the time needed to succeed.

Individual Coaching with Experts
(October – December 2022)
You will receive individual coaching from experts within Sustainability, Leadership and Strategy Development. This is a unique opportunity to receive expert coaching customised after your individual needs. You will also receive individual feedback specifically on your Sustainability Strategy.

Networking Activities with Regional Business Organizations
(November – December 2022)
You will meet and network with Regional Business Organizations focusing on support and development of businesses in each country. This is an opportunity to expand your network and understand the requirements for support from key business organizations.

Reporting of the Sustainability Strategy and “Early Wins”
(December 2022)
The programme will finish off with the reporting of the Sustainability Strategies and looking at “Early Wins” from the implementation of the strategies so far. It will be an inspirational activity of coming together and looking at what we have achieved so far within SIMP 2022!

Throughout the Programme: Meeting with Swedish and Regional Business Leaders Online
Meeting successful and innovative Swedish and Regional companies and organisations online to exchange knowledge and experiences. You will work on industry cases from Sweden and Asia and present your sustainability strategy and action plan. Be prepared to spend around 4-5 hours per week on the training.

1. Apply

2. Screening of Applications

3. Admission

For more information please open this link
Apply Here

Swedish Institute Management Programme Asia