Would you like to engage in work that positively impacts individuals and societies across the globe?

Join Geneva based Convention against Torture Initiative (CTI) in our mission to achieve universal ratification
and effective implementation of the UN Convention against Torture (UNCAT) by 2024.
The persistence of torture remains a very real threat to our shared world, demanding a robust, sustained and
viable response. Launched in March 2014, CTI is the conceptualisation of a group of UN Member States that are
using their collective voice to create and advance this ten-year global initiative to eradicate torture and illtreatment worldwide. CTI’s overall aspiration is to support and advise States and their officials,
in a constructive, no-name, no-shame format, on fair and effective institutional, legislative, policy and other
frameworks. To do so, we harness international cooperation, peer-to-peer-dialogues and capacity building to
achieve our mission. To date, 19 new States have ratified UNCAT, outperforming ratification rates of most other
global human rights treaties, while hundreds of public officials have participated in CTI events, conferences and
seminars and received technical implementation advice and in doing so, have gained knowledge and skills, learned
about latest technological advances, and become part of our expert networks.

Continue your career in a legacy building role that utilises your skills and expertise!
o We are looking for a highly qualified lawyer specialising in torture prevention and response who will
champion CTI’s efforts toward States’ technical and capacity building, including identifying and cultivating key
relationships that contribute to the overall success of our programme of events, conferences and technical
o We’re seeking a highly collaborative, skilled and experienced specialist with robust legal qualifications
and background in international human rights law and a deep understanding of country, regional and cultural
sensitivities and diplomatic protocol to join our small CTI Secretariat team. In this role you will support, advise
and collaborate closely with partners and other stakeholders to deliver specific outcomes aligned with our annual
o Integral to this is your role in advising government practitioners and policy-makers on anti-torture
institutional, legislative and practical frameworks and modalities. You will be involved in one-one-one confidential
advice, as well as designing and coordinating CTI capacity building programmes for, amongst others, regional
peer-to-peer exchanges (conferences and seminars), visiting inter-ministerial delegations to Geneva, as well
as CTI in-country diplomatic and technical delegation visits and seminars. You will exercise astute judgment in
all areas, have a full grasp of the workings of the UN human rights machinery, and be able to identify and take
advantage of key opportunities.
o As part of CTI’s suite of activities, you will conduct and compile detailed and accurate research and
relevant materials that inform discussions including substantive legal and regional/country briefing packages,
implementation tools, agenda preparation, report-writing and strategic forward-looking analysis and planning.
For major events you will be required to coordinate and liaise with partners, stakeholders, vendors and others to
ensure seamless event execution.

You are a legal professional adept at building and navigating positive relationships with a wide range of diverse
stakeholders and team members. Buttressed by your deep knowledge of the international anti-torture and
related frameworks and UN processes and systems, you are committed to delivering superior quality, timely and
impactful results. Working within a small and extremely active team, this position demands a highly motivated,
results-driven and hardworking individual. The position is suited only to senior innovative professionals who are
motivated by the opportunity to lead and deliver specific project outcomes. Understanding of how states operate
including country, regional and cultural sensitivities and diplomatic protocol are essential. To help achieve CTI’s
mission, you can travel extensively to diverse countries and regions across the globe.

To apply, please submit the following documents in ENGLISH to recruitment@cti2024.org:
1 Cover letter indicating reasons why you are interested in the role, how you fulfil the criteria and required competencies, identifying your achievements/results from your most recent position, and indicate your earliest start date;
2 CV of no more than three pages, including the names and contact
details of at least three referees, two of which from recent (last 10 years) employment;
3 Results transcript of your highest degree earned and language certificates;
4 A writing sample of original work in English (must not be co-authored).
In line with CTI’s commitment to creating a safe and human rights-oriented work environment free from
discrimination, harassment and bullying, inquiries may be made with former employers of shortlisted candidates.

For more information please open this link
Apply Here
